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Welcome! You’ve come to the right place for Analogix Semiconductor information.
Next iteration will include room for the Analogix display driver inside the device.
Analogix is the market leader in providing end-to-end interface connectivity semiconductor solutions for DisplayPort™ under its SlimPort® brand, including high-speed signal conditioners, and an industry leader in mobile display controllers, such as low-power
PISCATAWAY, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The MIPI® Alliance, an international organization that develops interface specifications for mobile and mobile-influenced industries, today announced the formation of an Automotive Bird
Determining how VR Source devices connect and interoperate with HMDs can avoid confusion and cut costs.
by Fritz Nelson June 24, 2017 at 10:40 AM
新通訊 2017 年 6 月號 196 期《 技術前瞻 》
文.Andre Bouwer
隨著市場的發展與成熟,目前存在四種虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)/擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)方式,每種的用戶體驗、可攜性和價格各不相同,分別介紹如下。
PC-Based VR:是利用映射處理器實現身歷其境VR體驗的即時3D渲染。這種技術需要一台高性能的個人電腦和頭戴式顯示器(HMD)。採用這種解決方案的系統通常價格較高,必須透過個人電腦,因此只適合在家中使用。
Virtual reality becoming more of a reality at Computex Taipei
Michael McManus, DIGITIMES, Taipei [Thursday 1 June 2017]
Chris Burns - May 30, 2017
Wearable Tech